Our program is year-long, September through June. We begin preparing for our Spring Show starting in the fall, so it is important to commit to the dance schedule at that time to best be prepared for the spring. Students are expected to participate all year to be eligible for performances.
We perform a Spring Show each year and all students (with proper attendance) are invited to participate. Costumes are ordered early and information about that goes out in the winter. Students purchase costumes which they may keep after the show. Dancers must attend classes regularly starting in the fall to participate. Performance is not required to take classes and learn choreography.
Ballet and dance require lots of training to become proficient. Depending on age, students are encouraged to take multiple classes per week to see the most progress. Ballet, in particular, requires training multiple times a week to develop and maintain proper strength and technique.
Absences for illness are excused and we ask that you STAY HOME if you are sick, especially if it is contagious.
If you are NOT contagious, students are expected to come to class and watch/stretch.
All other absences must be cleared in advance. If not, they will be considered unexcused. Too many unexcused absences will prevent dancers from performing and may affect eligibility for dancing en pointe. Teachers will not review missed work for unexcused absences. Students will be responsible for getting caught up with what they missed. We ask that absences be avoided as best as possible, especially in the last month leading up to performances.
Students are expected to keep voices quiet and focus in class, listen to instructions, try their best and participate. Any negative or disruptive behavior could result in warnings, being asked to sit out, and possibly involve further discussion with parents. Violence, physical or verbal bullying of any kind is not allowed.
Promotions are based on the readiness of each individual student. Age and the number of years dancing are considered, but not the only factors. Not all students in each group will advance at the same time. Other criteria that affect advancement are attendance, number of classes taken per week, emotional and physical maturity, strength, coordination, ability to focus and follow directions. Students are assessed every few months for progress and promotions may take place at the beginning of the dance year, or mid-way through.
Parents and/or family may watch the last class of the month (optional) from the seats at the side of the studio. No talking during class. No interacting with students during class. Please help the entire class by reinforcing focus on the teacher. If classroom guests are a distraction or students are not able to fucus, then guests may be asked to leave for the benefit of the rest of the class. If distractions become too large for a productive class, then parent observation may be closed entirely. NO PHOTOS OR VIDEO IN CLASS.
(Example: Monday class = observe last Monday of the month, Thursday class = last Thursday etc.)
Arrive on time for class -at least 10 minutes before class begins. Be dressed and ready with hair done before class begins. Use the restroom before or between classes.
Enter and exit quietly to not disturb class in session. You may enter the front double doors while class is in session and sit quietly in chairs or stretch before your class. Open and close doors gently and quietly.
Stretching before class is necessary to be prepared for class.
If you are late, quietly get yourself ready and stand and wait at the side of the dance floor until your teacher invites you to class. Do not enter without permission.
Missing more than the first 10 minutes of class and the warmup may result in sitting out for class. Warmup is important for safety.
Arriving without proper dance clothes, shoes or hairstyle may result in sitting out of class for safety.
Ballet: Leotard (class color), pink ballet tights, pink ballet shoes. See DRESS CODE for more information and for boys and other dance styles. NO outerwear or street wear.
Hair: up off the face in a ballet bun for ballet. See teachers for more information. Hair is REQUIRED and students may not participate without proper hairstyle for safety reasons.
No large, dangly jewelry and no watches that can catch on clothes or scratch others. Small ear hoops or studs ok.
Mark name in shoes, clothes or any other times that could get lost.
· Raise your hand with questions. Avoid speaking out of turn or while the teacher is giving instruction. No talking in class otherwise.
· Enter or Exit the dance floor( Marley) only with permission from the teacher.
· Water and restroom breaks – Ask permission from the teacher first. Never leave without talking to the teacher.
· Quiet, focused space in the Dance Studio. No running or loud voices before, during, or after class. No playing games. No talking while class is in session.
· Positive, respectful, supportive attitude and behavior toward teachers, students and guests at all times, including before and after class. No physical or verbal bullying allowed.
· Follow instructions, pay attention, try new things and do your best.
· No sitting or lying down in class unless the teacher gives permission. Face the teacher and pay attention when instruction is being given.
· All classes are multi-level. Promotion is based on readiness, not age or time spent dancing. Progress is evaluated every few months and level promotion will be determined by regular attendance, effort, maturity and progress of each student individually. Students who attend more classes, with good focus will see faster progress. Students become ready for the next level at their own pace and our teachers ask each student to always do their own best and not compare themselves to others.
· Light snacks may be eaten before or between classes. No food or gum out on the dance floor. No food during class.
· Bring your own water bottle.
· Parents may wait on the front porch quietly. Please keep voices soft, this old building lets sound in. No playing on the porch or parking lot.
· No alcohol/drugs is/are to be consumed on the premises, including parking lot when dance class is in session.
It is important that we all work together to create a space that is safe for all.
As of March 14th, 2022, Elevé Studio will follow "MASKS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED" indoors guidance.
Continue to respect social distancing and practice hand washing hygiene.
This is subject to change as conditions and recommendations change.
When To Quarantine or Isolate:
Elevé Studio is aligning its mask policy with CDPH guidance for K-12, early education, preschool, and/or childcare, along with updates to Napa County mandates. From the California Department of Public Health 2/28/2022:
The full CDPH memo and resources can be found here:
It is important that we all work together to create a space that is safe for all.
As of February 16th, 2022, Elevé Studio asks all people ages 3 and older who enter the building to be wearing masks, respecting social distancing and practicing hand washing hygiene. This is subject to change as conditions and recommendations change.
Elevé Studio is aligning its mask policy with CDPH guidance for K-12, early education, preschool, and/or childcare, along with updates to Napa County mandates. From the California Department of Public Health:
CDPH continues to require masking in K-12 school settings but has indicated adjustments to the state’s policies will be shared in the coming weeks. For early education programs, such as preschool and childcare settings, CDPH continues to require masking for children older than age two. Vaccinations for children under 5 are currently undergoing federal review. Workplaces will continue to follow the COVID-19 prevention standards set by CalOSHA.
The full Bay Area press release can be found here:
Eleven Bay Area Health Officers to Lift Most Indoor Mask Mandates on February 16
As of August 2nd, Elevé Studio asks all people age 3 and older who enter the building to be wearing masks, respecting social distancing and practicing hand washing hygiene. This is subject to change as conditions and recommendations change.
COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California, 2021-22 School Year K-12 Guidance 2021-22 School Year (
Self-Quarantine Instructionsfor Individuals Exposed to COVID-19 (
This is based off of Guidelines for the Sate of California Masks - Coronavirus COVID-19 Response (